Air Conditioning High Wycombe Homes and Businesses for 25 years
Air source heat pump installers and repairs in High Wycombe
01628 947 937
Friendly - Efficient - Reliable
Air Conditioning High Wycombe with Different Types of Units
Air Conditioning High Wycombe Properties
Air conditioning High Wycombe homes and flats…
has became increasingly common in recent years. The latest air conditioning not only provides heating and cooling, but it now provides air purification to ensure your High Wycombe home is the perfect place to spend time with family.
- Air conditioning that provides heating, cooling and air purification
- Removes 99% allergens, bacteria and odours (with zero maintenance)
- Relief from High Wycombe’s high pollen counts
- Approved by national asthma councils
- Air conditioning with very low running costs with Wifi control and energy monitoring
- Quick installation (usually 1 day) Super quiet (as low as 19dB)
- Compact quite outdoor units
- Air conditioning that can replace central heating
- Whole house systems available
- Multiple rooms from one outdoor unit.
5-7 Years Warranty: Air conditioning High Wycombe homes does not stop when we leave your property. You will have comprehensive warranties and full repair and service back up.
25 years air conditioning High Wycombe Offices.
Designing and installing all sizes of air conditioning units in High Wycombe, including wall mount, cassette type, floor mount, ducted type from top manufactures such as Daikin, Fujitsu, Toshiba, Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
Choices: Even with our vast experience, when air conditioning High Wycombe offices, there are no two buildings the same. So our air conditioning systems are always matched to the specific requirements of every individual premises.
5-7 Years Warranty: Air conditioning High Wycombe offices does not stop when we leave your property. You will have comprehensive warranties and full repair and service back up.
Air conditioning High Wycombe Factories
Warehouse heating systems are essential for maintaining a suitable environment for staff, machinery and stock. A variety of solutions are available ranging from basic floor standing heaters to ducted filtered solutions.
Air conditioning High Wycombe commercial buildings, however large or small, Air Intelligence offer reliable air handling solutions to suit all requirements.
5-7 Years Warranty: Air conditioning High Wycombe factories and warehouses does not stop when we leave your property. You will have comprehensive warranties and full repair and service back up.
Air conditioning High Wycombe hotels and gyms…
…has become essential part of ensuring guests have a comfortable experience. At Air Intelligence, we understand the complex air conditioning requirements that are unique to the hospitality industry.
Use of air conditioning in hotels has made massive improvements in recent years and is now one of the most efficient means of heating and cooling these buildings. Specifying very efficient air conditioning systems within hotels needs to consider the additional redundancy required for high season, but also operate extremely efficiently during periods of low demand.
This is where we can help, right from heat load estimation to design and selection of equipment, laying them out, testing and commissioning, it is done in the right way meeting the highest standards in the industry.
5-7 Years Warranty: Air conditioning High Wycombe Hotels does not stop when we leave your property. You will have comprehensive warranties and full repair and service back up.
Air Conditioning High Wycombe Schools
Over the last five years, we’ve had the privilege of working with a number of local schools in High Wycombe to address the growing challenge of spiralling energy costs and longstanding heating/cooling issues.
Here’s how our approach can help:
£3,300 per classroom: This is the approximate cost to install heat pump air conditioning (heating & cooling) in each classroom. The best part is, installation takes just one day per classroom.
Phased Implementation: Our strategy allows you to upgrade classrooms one at a time, over a number of years as funds become available. You can start with the most problematic areas and tackle the upgrades progressively.
Reduced Energy Costs: Heat pump air conditioning is widely considered the most cost-efficient way to both heat and cool spaces. It’s also far more environmentally friendly. Systems can even turn into ‘energy saving mode’ automatically when they detect the classroom is empty, saving you even more on energy bills.
Improved Air Quality: These modern systems not only provide heating and cooling but also filter out 99% of bacteria, pollen, and viruses, ensuring a healthier and more comfortable learning environment.
Centralised Control: Each classroom can be controlled locally, but also centrally by the school from anywhere. Bursars and caretakers can remotely manage the system, adjusting temperatures, timers, and monitoring energy usage in real-time.
- 5-7 Years Warranty: Air conditioning High Wycombe schools does not stop when we leave your property. You will have comprehensive warranties and full repair and service back up.
Air conditioning High Wycombe shops, restaurants and bars is no longer an optional extra.
When first entering a shop or restaurant, its funny how you always notice when it’s too hot, too cold or if there is a distinct odour – is that really the first impression you want to give your precious customers.
Keeping customers comfortable is a key driver to increased profitability. Air conditioning systems in shops and restaurants create a comfortable fresh environment where customers will enjoy their visit, they will stay longer, browse more and therefore an increased likelihood of purchasing more products and services.
With air conditioning in shops or restaurants wave goodbye to odours, smelly or hot changing rooms and cold drafts. Let your customer notice and enjoy your products or service, leading to repeat business and encouraging others to do the same through their recommendations.
Our air conditioning will be unobtrusive and responsive to quickly changing temperatures. It will also be easy to install and flexible enough to accommodate future layout changes to your premises. At Air Intelligence we know that your budget is tight and air conditioning needs to be installed quickly and even out of hours, to avoid disruption to customers and lose of earnings.
5-7 Years Warranty: Air conditioning High Wycombe restaurants and shops does not stop when we leave your property. You will have comprehensive warranties and full repair and service back up.
Air conditioning High Wycombe health care properties…
….including dentist and doctors surgeries has became increasingly common.
Visiting a dental or medical surgery is, for most people, a stressful experience.
So it is in best interests of your patients to make the visit as comfortable and stress free as possible. However, the major drive toward air conditioning within surgeries is that dentists and doctors, their staff and patients are more and more concerned about the transmission of infection than ever before.
In medical and dental practices diseases can be transmitted from patient to patient, patient to dental healthcare workers and from healthcare workers to patients. Controlling bacterial contamination through proper air filtration has long been considered the most essential component in the infection control process and vital to patient safety.
5-7 Years Warranty: Air conditioning High Wycombe health centres does not stop when we leave your property. You will have comprehensive warranties and full repair and service back up.
Commercial Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)
What is a commercial EPC? From April 2008 all newly constructed non-dwellings will require an commercial Energy Performance Certificate and existing buildings with a floor area over 500m2 will require an EPC when sold or rented. The certificate will include an energy rating, as well…
How MEES will impact your company
In just a few short months Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) are going to become a requirement for all commercial buildings. This will mean that from the 1st of April 2018 it will not be legal to rent out a property with an EPC (Energy…
Statutory F-Gas Air Conditioning Inspections
This mandatory inspection is designed to ensure the integrity of your air conditioning system. Fluorinated greenhouse gases are among the Kyoto Protocol groups of gases for which the EU has committed itself to reduce emissions. EC Regulation 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases is the…
Legionella Compliance – why risk a prison term
Low Cost Custom Legionella Management Plans for 2020 You probably know that all businesses must now comply with Legionella Legislation. It's surprising how many think they are complying because they have a Legionella Risk Assessment. Its also remarkable how many think that because they are in…
Air Conditioning Planning Permission & Listed Building Consent
Planning Permission for air conditioning units. Planning permission used to be commonly required for nearly all forms of air conditioning equipment. The main concerns of planning authorities was around the noise and external appearance of the air conditioning condenser units. However, new rules came into…